the top 5 facial mistakes to avoid for clear glowing skin

Everyone wants to retain that beautiful after-facial skin and glow, but many lose that within a day or so. Then you wonder whether the facial was worth it. Have you wondered why or how you are losing your glow? If you don't follow some proper aftercare after getting a facial treatment, even you are making the same facial mistakes! Wonder what those are? Here's a list of the five most important mistakes to avoid after a glowing facial to retain that soft skin.
1. Avoid the temptation to pick at your skin
Haven't we all picked that red, angry pimple on our skin even though we were warned not to? The same rule applies to those whiteheads or pimples your professional has left out too. You may feel like that's just destroying the beauty of your facial afterglow, but there's a reason it has been left alone. Estheticians say that they leave a pimple or lesion behind when they feel that they are not ready for popping. That's the same reason you should not try to nitpick, especially since your skin is very sensitive after a facial. So if your esthetician has left a pimple or a white head and has not extracted it, you should not too. Because often those untimely pops can lead to reoccurrence or occurrence of acne on the skin. Instead, you should leave your skin as it is.
2. Stop doing facials on a big day or just before it
It is often advised to get a facial done a week before a big event. This is because the skin is sensitive right after all the procedures like extraction, and exfoliation done in the facial, which can leave your skin red. It is because of the deep cleanse that has been done on the skin. So it needs a day or two to calm down before you can put on any makeup.
3. Avoid using a harsh cleanser on the skin
The skin is always very sensitive after a thorough skin facial. That's why Joshua Zeichner, M.D, working at Mt. Sinai Hospital in NYC says that often the extraction and manipulation that is being physically done on the skin can momentarily disrupt a skin barrier. That's why it's better to use a gentle face wash over foaming and stripping ones. He recommends choosing a gentle cream cleanser that would wash away dirt from the skin without stripping off moisture and hydrating the skin.
4. Avoiding the sun
You may think you are being safe by applying a good layer of sunscreen and heading out to sit by the poolside or going to the beach right after a facial. You are not. The only way you can enjoy being on a beach just after a facial is if you plan to only sit wearing a huge hat under a wide umbrella. It is because the skin is more vulnerable after a facial and especially if you do not take extra care to block out the sun's rays. You can go out in the sun after a few days, provided you wear a minimum of spf50.
5. Say no-no to face scrubs and any skincare actives and exfoliators
The next few days after a facial should be focused on giving rest and nourishment to the skin using by using products with ceramide, centella, and cica. By avoiding harsh skincare products on the face, you are making sure that your skin doesn't get irritated. It's always better to be on the safer side, after all.
Now that you know how to keep glowing for a longer period after a facial and what to avoid, you can decide on your next facial. If you are looking for a professional salon with a variety of facial that caters to your skin's needs, definitely book an appointment at Miracle Beauty Salon.